Kip Guy, dean of the University of Kentucky’s College of Pharmacy, has been working on malaria related research for nearly two decades now.
  • Article
  • Apr 23 2024

College of Pharmacy Dean Kip Guy, Ph.D., has researched malaria for nearly two decades. His current work focuses on researching treatments to help underserved populations, and how malaria is like one of Kentucky's most pressing health problems: cancer.

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The scientists and scholars at the University of Kentucky are remarkable people. Some of them have a very personal connection to field they have chosen: a family member battling addiction or disease. Some of them began their journey based on curiosity. A drive to find out why the world works the way it does.

What they all have in common is a passion to ignite progress and partner across fields and with communities to confront, head on, the most profound challenges. Research can do that, and our researchers tell you why and how.

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  • Nov 16 2023

In this “UK at the Half,” a University of Kentucky professor helps unlock ancient secrets — putting the university in the national and international spotlight.